California Healthy Schools Act

The California Healthy Schools Act, states that the use of the least toxic integrated pest management practices are the preferred method of managing pests in an effort to reduce toxic exposure to children at public school sites.  The requirements can be found here:

Beyond Pesticides Children and Schools Overview gives more information:


Non-Toxic Alternative Resources

There are easy non-toxic alternatives to weed management, which in the long run are more cost effective than using glyphosate containing products.  Having healthy soil, using at least two native turfgrasses, proper watering, and a sensible landscape design can all help your lawn ecosystem develop a natural resistance to weeds.  Indeed, weeds in lawns are often a sign that the balance of the soil is off. Low pH and soil compaction tend to promote weed growth, so aerating lawns and applying lime to raise the pH levels is essential when weeds are growing prolifically.  When weeds do appear, there are a number of non-toxic options that can be applied, and if those do not mitigate the issue, there are a number of significantly less toxic options than glyphosate containing products.

Beyond Pesticides Organizational Resources:

Alternative weed management:
The easiest way to identify safer materials is to start by identifying the problem. Find information on least-toxic solutions (including prevention) tied to specific pests at the Beyond Pesticides ManageSafe page.

Pesticide Free School Success Stories:

The Grass Is Greener at Harvard (NY Times Article):
And also cheaper –