Legislation on Toxics

 Federal Legislation


Proposed legislation:

S. 2660

Get Toxic Substances Out of Schools Act of 2021

Proposed by Senator Markey (MA) in 2020

This proposed legislation will amend the Toxic Substances Control Act and establish coordination between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Education to remove toxic substances such as lead and asbestos. The bill also explicitly adds polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to the list of hazards that the EPA must consider when developing environmental health guidelines for schools. The bill authorizes $52 billion for Healthy High-Performance Schools programs and includes high-road labor standards for projects funded by the grant programs.
Senator Markey and Congressmen Levin, Bowman Introduce Legislation to Remediate Toxic Substances in Schools


Proposed legislation:


Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act

Proposed by Senator Udall (NM) in 2020

This legislation would update the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act  (FIFRA) by banning the most damaging pesticides that have been scientifically proven to harm the safety of people and our environment, including neonics, paraquat, and organophosphates.

Read the legislation here. 

Toxic Substances Control Act 1976


Toxic chemicals law should now better protect us | Environmental Defense Fund

  • 1986 Community Right to Know Act created Toxics Release Inventory Program (voluntary reporting by companies to TRI-supposedly helps companies make better choices)- 172 PFAS added to TRI in 2020
  • 2016 Lautenberg Act, revised TSCA
  • Learn More: Summary of the Toxic Substances Control Act | US EPA


Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act 1947




State Legislation (CA)


CA AB2146

Curb Bee-Killing Neonic Pesticides

Passed 2022
This bill will prohibit the sale of non-agricultural use of neonicotinoid pesticides starting January of 2024.
Learn More: NDRC.org


CA AB1200

California Safer Food Packaging and Cookware Act

Passed 2021, In effect 2023


This new law will ban PFAS “toxic forever chemicals” from to-go containers and require cookware manufacturers to disclose presence of hazardous chemicals in California beginning January 1, 2023.

  • Learn More: California Safer Food Packaging and Cookware Act
  • Introduced bill in 2020: S 4406 Protect America’s Children From Toxic Pesticides Act (sponsored by Sen Tom Udall, NM) The bill calls for comprehensive regulatory changes, including the following:
  • Ending indefinite delays in pesticide review
  • Requiring emergency review of pesticides banned in other nations
  • Ending abuse of emergency exemptions
  • Canceling use of organophosphates, neonicotinoids, and paraquat
  • Ending state preemption of local pesticide laws

CA AB2762

Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act

Passed 2020 In effect 2025

Effects: Everything You Need to Know About California’s Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act | Environmental Working Group

  • Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act passed in 2020. Prohibits the use of 12 chemicals in personal care products to be sold in CA.


CA AB1989

Menstrual Product Right-to-Know Act

Passed 2020, In effect 2023

As of January 1, 2023, any package or box containing menstrual products  for sale in California must have printed on the label a plain and conspicuous list of all ingredients. This information must also be posted on an internet website. Any menstrual product that does not comply with this required ingredient disclosure will be prohibited from being sold in California as of January 1, 2023.

Learn More: https://www.womensvoices.org/2020/09/30/statement-passing-of-ab1989-period-product-ingredient-disclosure-bill/ Bill Text – AB-1989 Menstrual Products Right to Know Act of 2020.

CA SB 312

The Cosmetic Fragrance & Flavor Ingredient Right-to-Know Act

Passed 2020, in effect 2022

Purpose: In effect January 1, 2022, the new law requires cosmetics manufacturers of products sold in the CA to give California Safe Cosmetics Program a list of previously undisclosed fragrance and flavor ingredients in their products; many of which are known carcinogens or allergens.

Learn more about the new law here. Find out what is in your cosmetic brand: https://cscpsearch.cdph.ca.gov/search/publicsearch

CA AB1788

Pesticides: use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides

 Passed 2020 In effect 2021


CA Healthy Schools Act (HSA)

Passed 2020 In effect 2020


Healthy Schools Act: Requirements – Agriculture, Weights and Measures – County of Marin

  • right to know pesticides used at schools and daycare. Schools required to keep annual records of pesticide use and make available upon request, and submit to Dept. of Pesticide Regulation (DPR)
  • annually every January. Encourages use of least toxic testX management practices. Requires anyone using pesticides including disinfectants in schools to complete Integrated Pest Management Training (IPM). The Actaq doesn’t require private schools to participate/comply. IF only HSA-exempt pesticides are being used, a school does NOT need to have an IPM plan or IPM coordinator.
    • Passage of AB2826 in 2018 directed DPR to evaluate implementation and effect of HSA and provide recommendations.

Learn More: Information Sheet for Parents Regarding AB 2260, the Healthy Schools Act of 2000


CA Cleaning Product Right to Know Act

Passed 2017 In effect 2020

Effects: California enacts law requiring cleaning product ingredient disclosures

AB 2370

Lead-Safe Schools Protection Act CA

Passed 1992 In effect 2017

Protect Children from Lead in Schools and Daycares – The Lawmaker Network

*2017 CA- EWG-sponsored lead bills signed into law include:

  • AB 2370, by Assemblymember Chris Holden, requires licensed child care centers to test their tap water for lead contamination. If high lead levels are found, the centers must find an alternate source of safe drinking water. The centers must also provide parents with information about lead risks and testing.  This bill couples with an EWG-sponsored budget appropriation of $5 million to fund water testing and remediation at centers.
  • Learn More: FACT SHEET: AB 2370
  • SB 1041, by State Sen. Connie Leyva, requires the Department of Public Health to publicly report the rates of blood lead testing among children enrolled, and not enrolled, in Medi-Cal. Doctors must also inform parents about child blood lead testing standards.
  • Learn More: Bill Text – SB-1041 Sales and use taxes: general exemptions.
  • SB 1097, by Sen. Ben Hueso, requires the Department of Public Health to make public reports on county-level childhood lead testing, exposure rates, the local sources of lead related to individual lead-poisoning cases, and if those sources have been removed or abated
  • Learn More: Senate Bill 1097

AB 121

Lead in Candy Bill

Passed in 2005

Set Lead in Candy limit of 0.10ppm (often found in imported candy with tamarind, chili, salt from Mexico, Malaysia, China)

Learn More: AB 121 Lead in Candy Bill

CalEPA, established by executive order in 1991.
CalEPA currently consists of the following departments:
Air Resources Board (ARB),
Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR),
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, (CalRecycle),
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC),
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA),
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB).